138 Central Avenue
Evansdale, Iowa 50707
Main Phone: 319.433.1534
Health Office: 319.433.1550
Jen Willand, Principal
RAZ Kids!
Click on the Raz-Kids picture to go to the website. To find your teacher, look at the list below.
You can also download the FREE APP for your mobile device by scanning the codes below.
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If you have forgotten your password, email Mrs. Manternach ~ [email protected]
Grade | Teacher Name | Class Name |
Kindergarten | Mrs. Lee | wlee5 |
Kindergarten | Mrs. Unegbu | lunegbu |
Kindergarten | Miss Weston | bweston4 |
1st Grade | Mrs. Jimmerson | ajimmerson |
1st Grade | Mrs. Preston | cpreston3 |
1st Grade | Mrs. Seylar | sseylar1 |
2nd Grade | Mr. Bolick | mbolick1 |
2nd Grade | Mrs. Even | deven0 |
2nd Grade | Ms. Panther | bpanther |
2nd Grade | Mrs. Smith | hsmith57 |
3rd Grade | Mrs. Cavanaugh | acavanaugh1 |
3rd Grade | Mr. Kendall | ckendall6 |
3rd Grade | Mrs. Munson | amunson1 |
3rd Grade | Mrs. Surma | psurma |
4th Grade | Mrs. Fretheim | cfretheim0 |
4th Grade | Mrs. Giachino | sgiachino0 |
4th Grade | Mrs. Wolfensperger | mwolfensperger |
5th Grade | Mrs. Fenton | jfenton6 |
5th Grade | Mrs. Thompson | tthompson48 |
5th Grade | Mrs. Trainer | wtrainer |